Archive for the ‘自作自樂’ Category

My New Song: Guitar ‘N’ Sax


Composed & Record with my Yamaha Clavinova Digital Piano.  I’ve just learned how to record multi-tracks with this digital piano & really can’t wait to create more songs with this fabulous built-in function, the recorded song also can be edited track by track & note by note all within this digital piano.  Of course, you also can save it into a MIDI file & edit it on your computer~~!!  Cool!!~~  Hope you enjoy this song!!  Cheers!!

"Li Gor, Gor Gor"


話說在我的細仔一歲左右, 牙牙學語之時.  有一天, 他不斷在說 "Li Gor Li Gor Li Gor…";  又在數個月後, 他把 "Gor Gor" 加在 " "Li Gor Li Gor" 之後.  為了要和他好好溝通, 我用了十分鐘作了這曲… :)

When my younger son at around 1 year-old, he started saying "Li Gor Li Gor Li Gor…" repeatedly without anyone teach him; several months after, he added "Gor Gor" after "Li Gor Li Gor".  In order to have a better communication with him, I used 10 mins to  write this song.. :)